Time to Say Thank You

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During the hot summer months this year, a group of people would show up at the church on Sunday mornings to help complete some much-needed building maintenance or repair work. Most of them were not even members of our church, but they contributed countless hours of effort.

So, on November 18, we invited these volunteers to join us for a casual supper of “haystacks” and a few games during which we could thank them again for their incredible volunteer assistance on their days off from work.

John Hall, our head elder who organized the work projects, introduced each person, provided some background on how he or she became involved, and described how they assisted with projects such as redoing the exterior siding, painting, setting up or taking down the scaffolding, or repairing the roof. 

Remarkably, many said they’d be happy to assist us again in the future if we needed help with anything!

We are so grateful for the kind and generous friendship of all these people who helped us take care of our church building.









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