You are never a stranger in Gods’ house. Everyone is family here.

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When you walk through the door of our church in the Wood River Valley, you will be met with warm greetings, welcoming smiles and perhaps a few furry tail wags. Our regular “best friends with paws” who join us include Moses (who likes to sing along with his favorite hymn tunes), Georgie, Ruby, Esta, and Tucker. 

Our church family also has a new Spanish-speaking group meeting in the Upper Room, and we have separate Sabbath School sessions geared for pre-school and elementary level children in the main floor classrooms. 

We enjoy all the visitors throughout the year who come to enjoy the abundant outdoor and cultural activities that the Sun Valley area has to offer. You are always welcome to join us in casual clothing and park your RV, bike or motorcycle outside. Don’t be shy! We enjoy lively Bible study discussions at 9:30 am, tea time at 10:30 am, and thought-provoking sermons by Pastor Steve or Elder John during our 11:00 am worship service. 

On the first and third Sabbaths of each month, we enjoy a delicious vegetarian potluck and time for fellowship following services.  All are welcome! 




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