Balloons & Bible Stories

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Bible Stories & Lessons Come Alive in Primary Sabbath School Class

On Sabbath mornings from 9:30 to 10:30, the adults gather in the sanctuary for a lively discussion of that week’s Bible study lesson. Meanwhile, there are sometimes two classes in the smaller classrooms down the hall: one for children under the age of five and the other for those who are older.

It is not unusual for the adults to hear music and singing, lots of laughter and loud and enthusiastic voices filtering down the hallway. Sometimes a dog or two in the sanctuary—yes, we bring our best friends to church with us—will become curious and head down the hall to find out what’s going on. 

A few Sabbaths ago, John Hall, our first elder, popped into the primary classroom and found the young students blowing up balloons, carefully writing on them, and then positioning them in various orders to form different messages.

So, John joined Jonathan, Andrew and Zoey in trying to line-up the balloons to form a true statement related to that day’s Bible story.

One is never too young or too old to review the Bible stories and the lessons in them for us.

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